Estupro de vulnerável: uma abordagem à luz da prioridade absoluta da infância e juventude


  • Fausto Faustino de França Júnior
  • Wilmar Carlos de Paiva Leite Filho



Discusses in this article the subject of rape of vulnerable, which is the legal successor called rape presumed violence, specifically at the point of vulnerability is the age of the victim, under 14 years, as changes introduced by Law 12.015/2009, seeking the establishment of landmarks hermeneutical departing from constitutional principle of priority of childhood and youth, collective protection for the prevention of child abuse and sexual violence. Defends the need for a vision in the light of the doctrine of the effectiveness of constitutional norms, with the wish for transformation of the still strongly

Author Biographies

Fausto Faustino de França Júnior

Promotor de Justiça no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, titular da Promotoria de Justiça da Comarca de Jucurutu/RN.

Wilmar Carlos de Paiva Leite Filho

Promotor de Justiça Substituto do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, em exercício na 2.ª Promotoria de Justiça da Comarca de Macau/RN.




