Planejamento urbano e o direito ao acesso à água


  • Laryssa de Almeida Donato



Urban planning, Universality of access to water, Master plan, Urban sustainability


The purpose of this article is to evaluate the relevance of urban planning as a necessary tool for the realization of the universal right of access to drinking water. Given that access to water as a Human Right to Development is not only a solution to present demands, but also to future issues, depending on natural demographic growth or migratory flows, it is natural that urban master plans are concerned with the management of water resources, in terms of their sustainability, and it is necessary to measure the extent to which urban planning influences democratic access to water. In fact, with the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988, water resources began to receive more specific treatment as public goods, common and finite, and water management became an essential element for effective urban management. Until then, urban planning did not reconcile its development with environmental issues and with the City Statute (Law 10.257 / 01), water protection has become an essential element for effective urban management, and municipalities must edit their Master Plans with policies that integrate the development of cities with natural resources, in the pretension of sustainable cities ensured through integrated urban development to water management. In this context, the present essay aims to analyze how the management of water resources in the master plans of development is approached urban. In this study, the research methodology of bibliographic, deductive, descriptive and qualitative research will be used. It will be sought to clarify, with no perspective of exhausting the study on the proposed theme.

Author Biography

Laryssa de Almeida Donato

Mestranda em Desenvolvimento Regional pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba- UEPB. Campina Grande-Paraíba, Brasil.




