Barragens para irrigação: aspectos jurídicos e ambientais da sua construção, operação e remoção
Water resources, Environmental impacts, Irrigation dams, Dams removalAbstract
Ensure water resources for present and future generations is one of the most important challenges for humankind nowadays. However, in Brazil, the water resources are constantly used in an unsustainable way and in violation of legal norms. In many regions of Brazil has increased the number of irrigation dams irregularly built on natural rivers. These dams cause significant changes in the structure, dynamics and function of aquatic and riparian environments, and may even cause complete destabilization of these ecosystems. Therefore, this study aims to present the main environmental impacts of dams, the legal steps for its construction and the actions that must be taken before irregular dams. The study also demonstrates the environmental feasibility of the dam removal actions and their effectiveness in environmental restoration of aquatic and riparian ecosystems. At last, considering the essentiality of using irrigation for agriculture in several Brazilian regions, we present alternatives to dams and actions to improve the efficiency of water use in irrigation.
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