As faces visíveis e invisíveis do nepotismo no serviço público
Nepotism, Principles of Public Administration, Late nepotism or posthumous nepotism, Influence of previous administrative officer, FacilitationAbstract
The approval of the Stare Decisis number 13, from the Supreme Court of Brazil, was important to combat the influence of familiar relationship as a determinant factor to the nomination for public offices in Public Administration, facilitation popularly known as nepotism. Nepotism is facilitation decurrent from familiar relationship, by affinity or consanguinity. In this article, it´s important to reforce that nepotism means the conduction of a person to a public office without a previous selection based on equality, an objective selection and not personal, and based on the qualities of the person that is been nominated, nomination this that it wouldn´t occur if the familiar relationship isn´t on. After some years, new manifestations from nepotism can come, and others still survive. One of the objectives of this study is to take from the obscure scene the invisible faces. The facilitation may be attacked. One of the invisible faces of nepotism is the late nepotism or posthumous nepotism – develop in this article –, when the anterior administrative officers use the influence that they still have in the public agency of the Public Administration to nominate people from their families, and they don´t use the public office, because they´re already out of it, but the anterior administrative officers use their influence that already exists.
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