Duty of Public Communication of the Public Prosecutor's Attorney Office and Freedom of Expression
freedom of expression, Constitution, duty of social communication, ombudsman, Public Prosecutor’s Attorney OfficeAbstract
The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, promulgated on October 5, 1988, when establishing the institutional functions of the Public Prosecutor’s Attorney Office in articles 127 and 129 establishes the duty / right of social communication as ombdusman of society. The correct interlocution with the society goes through the direct and effective approach with all the channels of communication of its own. Resolution no. 58, dated July 5, 2017 establishes guidelines on how the Brazilian Public Prosecution Service must act in an interdependent manner and with an adequate strategy to manage its relationship with the press, without prejudice to the fundamental right to freedom of expression of its members.
Ao submeterem artigos à Revista do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público, os autores declaram ser titulares dos direitos autorais, respondendo exclusivamente por quaisquer reclamações relacionadas a tais direitos, bem como autorizam a Revista, sem ônus, a publicar os referidos textos em qualquer meio, sem limitações quanto ao prazo, ao território ou qualquer outra, incluindo as plataformas de indexação de periódicos científicos nas quais a Revista venha a ser indexada. A Revista do CNMP fica também autorizada a adequar os textos a seus formatos de publicação e a modificá-los para garantir o respeito à norma culta da língua portuguesa.