The freedom of expression of Public Prosecutions member
Public Prosecution, Politic participation, Freedom of expressionAbstract
Stormy subject concerns the limits of freedom of expression related to the member of the Public Prosecution. The Federal Constitution establishes to the member of the institution the defense of the legal regime, the democratic order and the indispensable social and individual rights, arming its officials with functional independence, so that it may not be subjected to internal or external pressures in the practice of its activities. The Constitution demanded that the members of the Public Prosecution played a leading role in the evolution of Brazilian society, and that they come to participate of the social transformation expected by the constituent process. On the other hand, it expressly prevented such agents from engaging in political party activities. This paper aims to analyze the possibilities of the member of the Public Prosecution to express their positions and political opinions, without incurring in the constitutional prohibition of political party activities engagement.
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