The Public Ministry and the Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech, Member of the Public Prossecutor’s Office, Free manifestation of thought, Right to the access to information, Constitutional principles and guarantees, Federal Constitution, Censure, Political-party activityAbstract
It is noticeable the public debate has been tough over the past few years in Brazil, as a result of the rising of several topics and issues highly relevant to national life. Such discussions have involved all Brazilian society, including members of the Public Prossecutor’s Office, all externalizing opinions, ideas and critics, which doesn’t ceases to be beneficial to the enhancement of democracy. As it is known, free manifestation of thought is a fundamental right conferred to Brazilians and foreign residents of the country, recognized by the Federal Constitution especially on its 5th article, clause IV. Due to this growing involvement of members of the Public Prossecutor’s Office in these discussions, by the most varied media, including the internet, by the called social media, of powerful range, what also emerges as point of debate the various nuances of freedom of speech, noticeably from the member of the Public Prossecutor’s Office. This article proposes to discourse about this question, considering the ministerial obligation of protecting remote constitutional rights, of equal importance, as intimacy, private life’s secrecy, honor and people’s image.
Ao submeterem artigos à Revista do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público, os autores declaram ser titulares dos direitos autorais, respondendo exclusivamente por quaisquer reclamações relacionadas a tais direitos, bem como autorizam a Revista, sem ônus, a publicar os referidos textos em qualquer meio, sem limitações quanto ao prazo, ao território ou qualquer outra, incluindo as plataformas de indexação de periódicos científicos nas quais a Revista venha a ser indexada. A Revista do CNMP fica também autorizada a adequar os textos a seus formatos de publicação e a modificá-los para garantir o respeito à norma culta da língua portuguesa.