O sistema de justiça na prevenção e no enfrentamento do assédio moral e sexual e da discriminação no ambiente de trabalho
Assédio sexual, Assédio moral, Discriminação, Relações de trabalho, Assédio na profissão jurídicaAbstract
This article aims to analyze the policies for preventing and addressing harassment and discrimination in the workplace by means of the efforts of the National Council of Public Prosecution Office (CNMP) and the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). The argument is structured as follows: first, we reflect on the historical, legal, and social perspectives of the concepts of harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Next, we specifically identify the practices and
profiles of the victims. Last, we evaluate the progress and setbacks in the policies combating harassment and discrimination, with a focus on the roles of CNMP and
Copyright (c) 2024 Cristiane Damasceno Leite, Lourival Ferreira de Carvalho Neto
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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