Ministério Público e núcleos permanentes de incentivo à autocomposição resolutivos: por uma melhor parametrização de tais núcleos estratégicos pelo Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público (CNMP)
Ministério Público, Resolutividade, Núcleos de autocomposição, Conflitos complexos, ConsensualidadeAbstract
Resoluteness is a lofty value that provides changes in the ideas of the Brazilian Public Prosecutor’s Office, imposing its insertion in the era of consensual justice. For this, a paradigmatic cultural change is required, which must be driven by new structures, such as the permanent centers to encourage self-composition (art. 7°, VII, of Resolution n° 118/2014 – CNMP). In view of this, the present work aims to investigate horizons to resolve the self-composition nuclei, based on the experience already accumulated, for their affirmation as strategic spaces of consensus. In the end, the work suggests paths to be taken, especially by the National Council of the Public Ministry - CNMP, for a parameterization of such nuclei, so that they act more uniformly and achieve more significant social results (resolution).
Copyright (c) 2024 Analú Librelato Longo, Marcus Aurélio de Freitas Barros
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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