Corregedoria indutora de resolutividade: novo paradigma de atuação no Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte


  • Alexandre Frazão Procuradoria-Geral de Justiça do MPRN



Resolutividade, Indução, Corregedoria, Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte


The article deals with the requirement for the evolution of the supervisory performance of the Internal Affairs of Public Prosecutor’s Office, in order to meet the guidelines of the Brasília Charter. This important call emphasizes that resolutivity, democratic openness, planning, and effective transformation of the reality of rights violations should be the focus of corrective activity, transforming it from a simple mechanism for controlling the functional acts of members to institutional guarantee of the efficiency of the prosecutorial action. The article clarifies the principles that should guide this evolution and the axes on which actions should be thought to induce this qualitative behavior of the prosecutors. Finally, it details the initiatives adopted by the internal affair of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rio Grande do Norte since 2021 to fulfill this new model expected of the organization.

Author Biography

Alexandre Frazão, Procuradoria-Geral de Justiça do MPRN

Bacharel em direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Promotor de Justiça titular da 3ª Promotoria de Justiça de Assu/RN. Coordenador do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional (GSI). Integrante do Grupo de Atuação Especial de Combate ao Crime Organizado (GAECO). Chefe de Gabinete da Procuradoria-Geral de Justiça do MPRN. Promotor corregedor junto à Corregedoria-Geral da instituição ministerial potiguar.




