A atuação do Ministério Público nos casos de ação de improbidade administrativa por enriquecimento ilícito: análise da alteração do entendimento do papel da instituição no Art. 9º, VII, da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa
Ministério Público, Lei de Improbidade Administrativa, Enriquecimento ilícito, Evolução patrimonial indevida, Inversão do ônus da provaAbstract
The update of the Administrative Improbity Law (Law 14.230/21) brought new elements in favor of the public agents involved, since, for the most part, it specified the behaviors required for the improbity act. In the same sense, it provided greater security for the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the competent institution to prosecute active subjects, when he detailed the procedure to be used. However, the update generated divergence of understanding regarding art. 9, item VII, of the Law, by fully establishing the burden of proof of the Public Ministry. That said, in this article, the possibility of reversing this burden of proof in favor of the institution will be analyzed, considering its principles, objectives and attributions that aim at a greater good: the legal order of the State.
Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Carolina Lima Tunes, Amanda da Cunha Gomes Arêba
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