Freedom of speech of members of the Public Prosecutor’s Office
Freedom of speech. Public Prosecution. Constitutional rights and guarantees. Disciplinary oversight by the Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público. Case law guidance.Abstract
This article addresses the freedom of speech of members of the Brazilian Public Prosecutor’s Office. Our analysis begins on the assertion that technology has broadened the access to information and has impacted the velocity through which information spreads, demonstrates that the protection of the right to freedom of speech is on the core of a democratic State and reaches the main point of the investigation, that is, the reasons behind a greater restriction of the freedom of speech of members of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Our study relies on the examination of the CNMP case law, from which can be derived the guidance for the proper exercise of the freedom of speech by members of the Brazilian Prosecutor’s Office.
Ao submeterem artigos à Revista do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público, os autores declaram ser titulares dos direitos autorais, respondendo exclusivamente por quaisquer reclamações relacionadas a tais direitos, bem como autorizam a Revista, sem ônus, a publicar os referidos textos em qualquer meio, sem limitações quanto ao prazo, ao território ou qualquer outra, incluindo as plataformas de indexação de periódicos científicos nas quais a Revista venha a ser indexada. A Revista do CNMP fica também autorizada a adequar os textos a seus formatos de publicação e a modificá-los para garantir o respeito à norma culta da língua portuguesa.