Responsibility, freedom of expression and the use of social media by the Members of the Public Ministry
Freedom of expression, Public Ministry, Social media, Compatibility, Constitutional guarantees, Functional DutiesAbstract
Freedom of expression is one of the most important fundamental rights of citizens, including members of the Public Prosecutor's Office, which is essential to democracy and to the exercise of control over governmental action. However, like any fundamental right, it is not absolute, since it must live harmoniously and on an equal footing with other fundamental rights. The purpose of this article is to indicate guidelines for the free manifestation of thought by members of the Public Prosecutor's Office, notably by the increasing use of social networks, in a manner compatible with the other constitutional guarantees and guarantees, and also with regard to the inherent functional duties to the exercise of the position.
Ao submeterem artigos à Revista do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público, os autores declaram ser titulares dos direitos autorais, respondendo exclusivamente por quaisquer reclamações relacionadas a tais direitos, bem como autorizam a Revista, sem ônus, a publicar os referidos textos em qualquer meio, sem limitações quanto ao prazo, ao território ou qualquer outra, incluindo as plataformas de indexação de periódicos científicos nas quais a Revista venha a ser indexada. A Revista do CNMP fica também autorizada a adequar os textos a seus formatos de publicação e a modificá-los para garantir o respeito à norma culta da língua portuguesa.