O papel do NUSF para efetividade da atuação do Ministério Público na defesa do acesso à água na bacia do São Francisco
NUSF, Public Ministry, Effectiveness, São Francisco river, Water defense, Defense of the people, Protection of the environmentAbstract
The present work has the scope of analyzing the NUSF ‘s actions in the defense of waters and the people of the São Francisco basin in Bahia. Initially, an analysis is made of the importance of water as a fundamental asset for all and of the process of decentralization of water management in the country and how this system influenced the creation of River Basin Committees and the specialization of the Bahia Public Prosecutor’s Office in the area of environment. Following is the history of the creation of NUSF, as well as its structure and services, main attributions in the defense of San Francisco, analyzing in detail the main lines of action of the nucleus. Finally, the core challenges and perspectives of the main environmental degradation vectors in the São Francisco basin are presented in the final considerations
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