Os impactos ambientais decorrentes do rompimento da barragem em Mariana


  • Talles Jhonattan Elias de Souza




Dam, Mining, Disruption, Environmental Catastrophe, Millions, Billion


Faced with the greatest environmental disaster in the sub-district of Bento Rodrigues in the city of Mariana - MG, it is necessary that scientific works show the reality of the enormous damage caused by the miners, both the fauna and flora and the human beings involved. The present article is of interest to put our legislators to reflect on what future we want for the country, once, where the maximum environmental fine allowed to apply the reverse does not meet the truthful estimates of the fact. Putting both the lawmakers and the applicators of it must reflect why in Brazil the fine can reach only in millions while in the first world they reach billions. As for the damages, it is important to emphasize the great importance of the Public Ministry to supervise and collect actions that seek to repair all injuries to the environment and diffuse merits resulting from this drama.

Author Biography

Talles Jhonattan Elias de Souza

Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade Fortium. Advogado. Pós-Graduado em Direito Administrativo com ênfase em Gestão Pública pela FNSL. Atualmente exerce função pública na Marinha. Interessa-se por continuação em estudos científicos.




