O Ministério Público e a participação democrática no compromisso de ajustamento de conduta em matéria urbano-ambiental
Democratic participation, Conduct Adjustment Agreement, Urban environment, Water resources, Public MinistryAbstract
This article discusses the possibilities and limits of the Public Ministry in adoption of the Conduct Adjustment Agreement in urban-environmental matters, especially for the protection of water resources. It aims to answer the following question: To what extent the Public Ministry may decide about the realization of public hearings for democratic debate about the necessary measures for the protection of water resources in urban areas, through the Conduct Adjustment Agreement? The methodology is based on bibliographical and documentary research, presenting a qualitative and analytical approach. It is concluded that the management of water resources must count on the democratic participation of multiple social actors, even before the conclusion of a Term of Adjustment of Conduct within the scope of the Public Ministry, under penalty of invalidity of the term of agreement.
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