Inquérito Civil: entre avanços e retrocessos – análise crítica do PLS nº 233/2015


  • Cláudio Smirne Diniz
  • Eduardo Cambi
  • Mauro Sérgio Rocha



Transindivuals interests protection, Civil inquiry, PLS 233/2015


This paper presents the main outlines about the civil inquiry, highlighting its relevance to the protection of transindividuals interests. On the other hand, it presents some proposals for improvement, in order to adjust it to the complexity of the new demands. Finally, it highlights the threats of setbacks that may arise from the PLS 233/2015, in proceedings in the Senate.

Author Biographies

Cláudio Smirne Diniz

Promotor de Justiça (MPPR). Assessor da Procuradoria-Geral de Justiça. Mestre e Doutor em Direito (PUC-PR).
Professor de Direito Administrativo da FEMPAR, Universidade Positivo e Cejur.

Eduardo Cambi

Promotor de Justiça (MPPR). Assessor da Procuradoria-Geral de Justiça. Coordenador do Centro de Estudos e Aperfeiçoamento Funcional (CEAF). Mestre e Doutor em Direito (UFPR). Professor de Direito Processual Civil da UENP e da UNIPAR.

Mauro Sérgio Rocha

This paper presents the main outlines about the civil inquiry, highlighting its relevance to the protection of transindividuals interests. On the other hand, it presents some proposals for improvement, in order to adjust it to the complexity of the new demands. Finally, it highlights the threats of setbacks that may arise from the PLS 233/2015, in proceedings in the Senate.




