Os parâmetros da atuação extrajudicial do Ministério Público no combate à corrupção


  • Carlos Vinícius Alves Ribeiro




Extrajudicial activity, proto-judicial, Administrative function, Discretion, Misconduct, Control


The Public Prosecution, since immediately before the promulgation of the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution, was endowed with new functions which went beyond its thitherto classic duty of solely acting in public criminal prosecutions. Along with its newly established goals, related to the defense of the so-called meta-individual interests. The use such tools by the Public Prosecution largely enables a concerted resolution of conflicts, by dodging the notorious dilatoriness and high costs of the judicial system. Nevertheless, because the juridical nature of these activities is that of administrative function, they might be tainted by an undesired degree of discretion. Therefore, a poor interpretation or manipulation of such activities might result in arbitrariness, dissembled as functional independence. For this reason, this paper suggests that filters and beacons be established to guide and limit these extrajudicial activities of the Public Prosecution. The paper also presents some control mechanisms, to be wielded either prior or prospective to the actual acting of the Public Prosecution when aiming at defending the people’s interests by mean of its administrative functions.

Author Biography

Carlos Vinícius Alves Ribeiro

Promotor de Justiça no Estado de Goiás. Membro Auxiliar do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público. Mestre em Direito de Estado pela USP. Doutor em Direito de Estado pela USP.




