The voice of the Public Prosecution Service guaranteeing the right to housing


  • Mary Sandra Landim Pinheiro Assessora de Cerimonial, Coordenadoria de Comunicação Social - Ministério Público do Estado do Piauí



Public Prosecution Service, Right to housing, Pinheiro, Bebedouro, Mutange, Braskem


This article assesses the freedom of expression of public prosecutors over their duty to protect the image of people and the ministerial obligation to defend the freedom of others, with a focus on guaranteeing the right to housing. This study seeks to verify how public prosecutors use their institutional voice in the reports on the evening news television ALTV 2, Jornal do Estado and Pajuçara Noite in the case of the neighborhoods of Pinheiro, Mutange and Bebedouro in the city of Maceió-Alagoas. Content Analysis was used as a method to analyze the reports shown in the news. A total of 30 TV reports were collected with the presence of members of the organ, to carry out the research. The programmes data were organized in tables, from which the participation of each subdivision of the Public Prosecution Service was analyzed.

Author Biography

Mary Sandra Landim Pinheiro, Assessora de Cerimonial, Coordenadoria de Comunicação Social - Ministério Público do Estado do Piauí

Assessora de Cerimonial, Coordenadoria de Comunicação Social - Ministério Público do Estado do Piauí




